
225-Ac and 223-Ra Production via 800 MeV Proton Irradiation of Natural Thorium Target
Document Type
Working Paper
Nuclear Experiment
Cross sections for the formation of 225,227-Ac, 223,225-Ra, and 227-Th via the proton bombardment of natural thorium targets were measured at a nominal proton energy of 800 MeV. No earlier experimental cross section data for the production of 223,225-Ra, 227-Ac and 227-Th by this method were found in the literature. A comparison of theoretical predictions with the experimental data shows agreement within a factor of two. Results indicate that accelerator-based production of 225-Ac and 223-Ra is a viable production method.
Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables, only pdf, submitted to Applied Radiation and Isotopes