
On the classification of certain geproci sets
Document Type
Working Paper
Mathematics - Algebraic Geometry
Mathematics - Combinatorics
14M05 and 14M10 and 14N05 and 14N20
In this short note we develop new methods toward the ultimate goal of classifying geproci sets in $\mathbb P^3$. We apply these methods to show that among sets of $16$ points distributed evenly on $4$ skew lines, up to projective equivalence there are only two distinct geproci sets. We give different geometric distinctions between these sets. The methods we develop here can be applied in a more general set-up; this is the context of the follow-up work arXiv:2308.00761.
Comment: 13 pages, to appear in the proceedings of the 2022 Workshop in Cortona: "Lefschetz Properties: Current and New Directions'