
Constraining Baryonic Physics with DES Y1 and Planck data -- Combining Galaxy Clustering, Weak Lensing, and CMB Lensing
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
We constrain cosmology and baryonic feedback scenarios with a joint analysis of weak lensing, galaxy clustering, cosmic microwave background (CMB) lensing, and their cross-correlations (so-called 6$\times$2) using data from the Dark Energy Survey (DES) Y1 and the Planck satellite mission. Noteworthy features of our 6$\times$2 pipeline are: We extend CMB lensing cross-correlation measurements to a band surrounding the DES Y1 footprint (a $\sim 25\%$ gain in pairs), and we develop analytic covariance capabilities that account for different footprints and all cross-terms in the 6$\times$2 analysis. We also measure the DES Y1 cosmic shear two-point correlation function (2PCF) down to $0.^\prime 25$, but find that going below $2.^\prime 5$ does not increase cosmological information due to shape noise. We model baryonic physics uncertainties via the amplitude of Principal Components (PCs) derived from a set of hydro-simulations. Given our statistical uncertainties, varying the first PC amplitude $Q_1$ is sufficient to model small-scale cosmic shear 2PCF. For DES Y1+Planck 6$\times$2 we find $S_8=0.799\pm0.016$, comparable to the 5$\times$2 result of DES Y3+SPT/Planck $S_8=0.773\pm0.016$. Combined with our most informative cosmology priors -- baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO), big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN), type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia), and Planck 2018 EE+lowE, we measure $S_8=0.817\pm 0.011$. Regarding baryonic physics constraints, our 6$\times$2 analysis finds $Q_1=2.8\pm1.8$. Combined with the aforementioned priors, it improves the constraint to $Q_1=3.5\pm1.3$. For comparison, the strongest feedback scenario considered in this paper, the cosmo-OWLS AGN ($\Delta T_\mathrm{heat}=10^{8.7}$ K), corresponds to $Q_1=5.84$.
Comment: 24 pages, 13 figures, comments are welcome!