
Hybrid magneto-dynamical modes in a single magnetostrictive nanomagnet on a piezoelectric substrate arising from magneto-elastic modulation of precessional dynamics
Document Type
Working Paper
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 10, 43970 (2018)
Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
Magneto-elastic (or "straintronic") switching has emerged as an extremely energy-efficient mechanism for switching the magnetization of magnetostrictive nanomagnets in magnetic memory, logic and non-Boolean circuits. Here, we investigate the ultrafast magneto-dynamics associated with straintronic switching in a single quasi-elliptical magnetostrictive Co nanomagnet deposited on a piezoelectric PMN-PT substrate using time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect (TR-MOKE) measurements. The pulsed laser pump beam in the TR-MOKE plays a dual role: it causes precession of the nanomagnet's magnetization about an applied bias magnetic field and it also generates surface acoustic waves (SAWs) in the piezoelectric substrate that produce periodic strains in the magnetostrictive nanomagnet and modulate the precessional dynamics. This modulation gives rise to intriguing hybrid magneto-dynamical modes in the nanomagnet, with rich spin wave texture. The characteristic frequencies of these modes are 5-15 GHz, indicating that strain can affect magnetization in a magnetostrictive nanomagnet in time scales much smaller than 1 ns (~100 ps). This can enable ~10 GHz-range magneto-elastic nano-oscillators that are actuated by strain instead of a spin-polarized current, as well as ultrafast magneto-electric generation of spin waves for magnonic logic circuits, holograms, etc.
Comment: To appear in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces