
Measurement of the Double-Differential Muon-neutrino Charged-Current Inclusive Cross Section in the NOvA Near Detector
Document Type
Working Paper
Acero, M. A.Adamson, P.Aliaga, L.Anfimov, N.Antoshkin, A.Arrieta-Diaz, E.Asquith, L.Aurisano, A.Back, A.Backhouse, C.Baird, M.Balashov, N.Baldi, P.Bambah, B. A.Bashar, S.Bays, K.Behera, B.Bernstein, R.Bhatnagar, V.Bhattarai, D.Bhuyan, B.Bian, J.Blair, J.Booth, A. C.Bowles, R.Bromberg, C.Buchanan, N.Butkevich, A.Calvez, S.Carroll, T. J.Catano-Mur, E.Choudhary, B. C.Christensen, A.Coan, T. E.Colo, M.Cremonesi, L.Davies, G. S.Derwent, P. F.Ding, P.Djurcic, Z.Dolce, M.Doyle, D.Tonguino, D. DuenasDukes, E. C.Duyang, H.Edayath, S.Ehrlich, R.Elkins, M.Ewart, E.Feldman, G. J.Filip, P.Franc, J.Frank, M. J.Gallagher, H. R.Gandrajula, R.Gao, F.Giri, A.Gomes, R. A.Goodman, M. C.Grichine, V.Groh, M.Group, R.Guo, B.Habig, A.Hakl, F.Hall, A.Hartnell, J.Hatcher, R.Hausner, H.He, M.Heller, K.Hewes, VHimmel, A.Holin, A.Huang, J.Jargowsky, B.Jarosz, J.Jediny, F.Johnson, C.Judah, M.Kakorin, I.Kalitkina, A.Kalra, D.Kaplan, D. M.Keloth, R.Klimov, O.Koerner, L. W.Kolupaeva, L.Kotelnikov, S.Kralik, R.Kullenberg, Ch.Kubu, M.Kumar, A.Kuruppu, C. D.Kus, V.Lackey, T.Lang, K.Lasorak, P.Lesmeister, J.Lin, S.Lister, A.Liu, J.Lokajicek, M.Magill, S.Plata, M. ManriqueMann, W. A.Marshak, M. L.Martinez-Casales, M.Matveev, V.Mayes, B.Méndez, D. P.Messier, M. D.Meyer, H.Miao, T.Miller, W. H.Mishra, S. R.Mislivec, A.Mohanta, R.Moren, A.Morozova, A.Mu, W.Mualem, L.Muether, M.Mulder, K.Naples, D.Nayak, N.Nelson, J. K.Nichol, R.Niner, E.Norman, A.Norrick, A.Nosek, T.Oh, H.Olshevskiy, A.Olson, T.Ott, J.Paley, J.Patterson, R. B.Pawloski, G.Petrova, O.Petti, R.Phan, D. D.Plunkett, R. K.Porter, J. C. C.Rafique, A.Raj, V.Rajaoalisoa, M.Ramson, B.Rebel, B.Rojas, P.Roy, P.Ryabov, V.Sachdev, K.Samoylov, O.Sanchez, M. C.Falero, S. SanchezShanahan, P.Sheshukov, A.Singh, P.Singh, V.Smith, E.Smolik, J.Snopok, P.Solomey, N.Sousa, A.Soustruznik, K.Strait, M.Suter, L.Sutton, A.Swain, S.Sweeney, C.Sztuc, A.Oregui, B. TapiaTas, P.Thakore, T.Thayyullathil, R. B.Thomas, J.Tiras, E.Tripathi, J.Trokan-Tenorio, J.Tsaris, A.Torun, Y.Urheim, J.Vahle, P.Vallari, Z.Vasel, J.Vokac, P.Vrba, T.Wallbank, M.Warburton, T. K.Wetstein, M.Whittington, D.Wickremasinghe, D. A.Wojcicki, S. G.Wolcott, J.Wu, W.Xiao, Y.Dombara, A. YallappaYankelevich, A.Yonehara, K.Yu, S.Yu, Y.Zadorozhnyy, S.Zalesak, J.Zhang, Y.Zwaska, R.
High Energy Physics - Experiment
We report cross-section measurements of the final-state muon kinematics for \numu charged-current interactions in the NOvA near detector using an accumulated 8.09$\times10^{20}$ protons-on-target (POT) in the NuMI beam. We present the results as a double-differential cross section in the observed outgoing muon energy and angle, as well as single-differential cross sections in the derived neutrino energy, $E_\nu$, and square of the four-momentum transfer, $Q^2$. We compare the results to inclusive cross-section predictions from various neutrino event generators via $\chi^2$ calculations using a covariance matrix that accounts for bin-to-bin correlations of systematic uncertainties. These comparisons show a clear discrepancy between the data and each of the tested predictions at forward muon angle and low $Q^2$, indicating a missing suppression of the cross section in current neutrino-nucleus scattering models.