
High-resolution spectroscopy of a surge in an emerging flux region
Document Type
Working Paper
A&A 639, A19 (2020)
Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
High-spectral resolution observations using the VTT echelle spectrograph in the chromospheric H$\alpha$ line were obtained in the early growth phase of active region NOAA 12722. Noise-stripped H$\alpha$ line profiles yield maps of line-core and bisector velocities, which were contrasted with velocities inferred from Cloud Model inversions. The SDO provided additional continuum images, line-of-sight (LOS) magnetograms, and UV/EUV images, which link the different solar atmospheric layers. The active region started as a bipolar region with continuous flux emergence when a new flux system emerged in the leading part during the VTT observations, resulting in two homologous surges. While flux cancellation at the base of the surges provided the energy for ejecting the cool plasma, strong proper motions of the leading pores changed the magnetic field topology making the region susceptible for surging. Despite the surge activity in the leading part, an arch filament system in the trailing part of the old flux remained stable. Thus, stable and violently expelled mass-loaded ascending magnetic structures can co-exist in close proximity. Investigating the height dependence of LOS velocities revealed the existence of neighboring strong up- and downflows. However, downflows occur with a time lag. The opacity of the ejected cool plasma decreases with distance from the base of the surge while the speed of the ejecta increases. The location at which the surge becomes invisible in H$\alpha$ corresponds to the interface where the surge brightens in He II 304. Broad-shoulders and dual-lobed H$\alpha$ profiles suggest accelerated/decelerated and highly structured LOS plasma flows. Significantly broadened H$\alpha$ profiles imply significant heating at the base of the surges, which is also supported by bright kernels in UV/EUV images uncovered by swaying motions of dark fibrils at the base of the surges.
Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, Accepted to be published in A&A