
Optical control of the current-voltage relation in stacked superconductors
Document Type
Working Paper
Phys. Rev. B 100, 134510 (2019)
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity
Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
We simulate the current-voltage relation of short layered superconductors, which we model as stacks of capacitively coupled Josephson junctions. The system is driven by external laser fields, in order to optically control the voltage drop across the junction. We identify parameter regimes in which supercurrents can be stabilised against thermally induced phase slips, thus reducing the effective voltage across the superconductor. Furthermore, single driven Josephson junctions are known to exhibit phase-locked states, where the superconducting phase is locked to the driving field. We numerically observe their persistence in the presence of thermal fluctuations and capacitive coupling between adjacent Josephson junctions. Our results indicate how macroscopic material properties can be manipulated by exploiting the large optical nonlinearities of Josephson plasmons.
Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures