
L'eliosismologia: onde sismiche per studiare l'interno del Sole
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
During the last 50 years we have been witness of an extraordinary revolution in the knowledge and understanding of our star thanks to the development of Helioseismology, the study of solar oscillations. Similar to what happens on the Earth during earthquakes, the interior of the Sun is continuously pervaded by seismic waves which produce small oscillations on the photosphere. These oscillations bring the signature of several processes which happen in the interior of the solar structure and the seismic frequencies of the oscillation modes detected on the solar surface are directly related to physical parameters of the internal layers crossed by the seismic waves. The study of oscillations represents, then, the only method to infer directly the internal structure and dynamics of the Sun. This article will present the general characteristics of solar oscillations, the main important results and the advances obtained in stellar physics thanks to the methods of Helioseismology.
Comment: in Italian