
Extraction of YSO Cores and Active Regions near Star-forming Site AFGL 5157
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
We have carried out a quantitative analysis of the $1^{\circ} \times 1^{\circ}$ region near star-forming site AFGL 5157 using 'Minimal Spanning Tree' (MST). The analysis reveals that this region consists of five major clusters. The cluster radii of the cores and active regions were found to be varying between 0.75-2.62 pc and 2.77-4.58 pc, respectively, for these regions, while the aspect ratio varies between 0.71 to 7.17. This hints towards the clumpy as well as elongated clusters in the region. We calculated structure parameter Q for each region which varies between 0.41-0.62 and 0.23-0.81 for the cores and ARs, respectively. This shows the existence of fractal distribution in all the cores and ARs except the core of the [HKS2019] E70 bubble.
Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, and 1 table. Accepted for publication for the proceedings of the third BINA workshop (in The Bulletin de la Soci\'et\'e Royale des Sciences de Li\`ege)