
Identifying the electron-positron cascade regimes in high-intensity laser-matter interactions
Document Type
Working Paper
New J. Phys. 21 013028 2019
Physics - Plasma Physics
Strong-field quantum electrodynamics predicts electron-seeded electron-positron pair cascades when the electric field in the rest-frame of the seed electron approaches the Sauter-Schwinger field, i.e. $\eta = E_{RF}/E_S \sim 1$. Electrons in the focus of next generation multi-PW lasers are expected to reach this threshold. We identify three distinct cascading regimes in the interaction of counter-propagating, circularly-polarised laser pulses with a thin foil by performing a comprehensive scan over the laser intensity (from $10^{23}$ -- $5\times10^{24}$\ Wcm$^{-2}$) and initial foil target density (from $10^{26}$ -- $10^{31}$\ m$^{-3}$). For low densities and intensities the number of pairs grows exponentially. If the intensity and target density are high enough the number density of created pairs reaches the relativistically-corrected critical density, the pair plasma efficiently absorbs the laser energy (through radiation reaction) and the cascade saturates. If the initial density is too high, such that the initial target is overdense, the cascade is suppressed by the skin effect. We derive a semi-analytical model which predicts that dense pair plasmas are endemic features of these interactions for intensities above $10^{24}$ Wcm$^{-2}$ provided the target's relativistic skin-depth is longer than the laser wavelength. Further, it shows that pair production is maximised in near-critical-density targets, providing a guide for near-term experiments.