
Inclusive hadronic decay rate of the $\tau$ lepton from lattice QCD: the $\bar u s$ flavour channel and the Cabibbo angle
Document Type
Working Paper
High Energy Physics - Lattice
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
We present a lattice determination of the inclusive decay rate of the process $\tau\mapsto X_{us} \nu_\tau$ in which the $\tau$ lepton decays into a generic hadronic state $X_{us}$ with $\bar u s$ flavour quantum numbers. Our results have been obtained in $n_f=2+1+1$ iso-symmetric QCD with full non-perturbative accuracy, without any OPE approximation and, except for the presently missing long-distance isospin-breaking corrections, include a solid estimate of all sources of theoretical uncertainties. This has been possible by using the Hansen-Lupo-Tantalo method [1] that we have already successfully applied in [2] to compute the inclusive decay rate of the process $\tau\mapsto X_{ud} \nu_\tau$ in the $\bar u d$ flavour channel. By combining our first-principles theoretical results with the presently-available experimental data we extract the CKM matrix element $\vert V_{us}\vert$, the Cabibbo angle, with a $0.9$\% accuracy, dominated by the experimental error.
Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, 1 table. Version accepted by PRL, expanded technical discussion moved to an appendix, results unchanged