
Enabling Stellar Flare Science in the Roman Galactic Bulge Survey: Cadence, Filters, and the Read-Out Strategy Matter
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
As was discovered with other wide field, precise imagers, the stable photometry necessary for the microlensing surveys is well-suited to general stellar astrophysics, including stellar flares, which are important for understanding stellar magnetic activity and even the space weather environments of exoplanets. Large stellar flare surveys have never been performed before in the Roman spectral range, and Roman may reveal new information about flare emission mechanisms (blackbody, recombination continuum, chromospheric emission lines) and how flare rates change with stellar age and metallicity. For instance, the Galactic Bulge stars will be much older than the typical studied flare stars, and Roman's wide field and exquisite imaging may provide sufficient statistics to probe the flare behavior and properties of such an old stellar population. However, the information yield will likely depend on sky location, cadence, read-out strategy, and filter choices. Stellar flare timescales range from seconds to hours, so Roman may only be able to resolve the longest, most energetic events. However, because a single exposure in the Galactic Bulge Time Domain Survey will consist of several non-destructive reads, short duration events can be modeled from the flux variations within a single exposure. Here we provide a proof of concept, showing that flare morphologies can be significantly better constrained if sub-exposure data are analyzed. As a result, we advocate that such data be made publicly available for Roman flare studies, with minimal on-board processing.
Comment: Roman Core Community Survey White Paper, 6 pages, 2 figures