
HectoMAP: The Complete Redshift Survey (Data Release 2)
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
HectoMAP is a dense redshift survey of 95,403 galaxies based primarily on MMT spectroscopy with a median redshift $z = 0.345$. The survey covers 54.64 square degrees in a 1.5$^\circ$ wide strip across the northern sky centered at a declination of 43.25$^\circ$. We report the redshift, the spectral indicator D$_{n}$4000, and the stellar mass. The red selected survey is 81\% complete for 55,962 galaxies with $(g-r) > 1$ and $r <20.5$; it is 72\% complete for 32,908 galaxies with $(g-r) > 1$, $(r-i) > 0.5$ and $20.5 < r < 21.3$. Comparison of the survey basis SDSS photometry with the HSC-SSP photometry demonstrates that HectoMAP provides complete magnitude limited surveys based on either photometric system. We update the comparison between the HSC-SSP photometric redshifts with HectoMAP spectroscopic redshifts; the comparison demonstrates that the HSC-SSP photometric redshifts have improved between the second and third data releases. HectoMAP is a foundation for examining the quiescent galaxy population (63\% of the survey), clusters of galaxies, and the cosmic web. HectoMAP is completely covered by the HSC-SSP survey, thus enabling a variety of strong and weak lensing investigations.
Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal. 22 pages, 16 figures, 3 tables. The full dataset for HectoMAP will be available when the paper is published