
A Search for Possible Long Range Spin Dependent Interactions of the Neutron From Exotic Vector Boson Exchange
Document Type
Working Paper
Physics Letters B 783 (2018) 227-233
Nuclear Experiment
High Energy Physics - Experiment
Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors
We present a search for possible spin dependent interactions of the neutron with matter through exchange of spin 1 bosons with axial vector couplings as envisioned in possible extensions of the Standard Model. This was sought using a slow neutron polarimeter that passed transversely polarized slow neutrons by unpolarized slabs of material arranged so that this interaction would tilt the plane of polarization and develop a component along the neutron momentum. The result for the rotation angle, $\phi'_{V_5} = [2.8\pm\,4.6(stat.)\pm\,4.0(sys.)]\times 10^{-5}~\mbox{rad/m}$ is consistent with zero. This result improves the upper bounds on the neutron-matter coupling $g_{A}^{2}$ from such an interaction by about three orders of magnitude for force ranges in the mm-$\mu$m regime.
Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures