
Stability of Spatial Smoothness and Cluster-Size Threshold Estimates in FMRI using AFNI
Document Type
Working Paper
Statistics - Applications
In a recent analysis of FMRI datasets [K Mueller et al, Front Hum Neurosci 11:345], the estimated spatial smoothness parameters and the statistical significance of clusters were found to depend strongly on the resampled voxel size (for the same data, over a range of 1 to 3 mm) in one popular FMRI analysis software package (SPM12). High sensitivity of thresholding results on such an arbitrary parameter as final spatial grid size is an undesirable feature in a processing pipeline. Here, we examine the stability of spatial smoothness and cluster-volume threshold estimates with respect to voxel resampling size in the AFNI software package's pipeline. A publicly available collection of resting-state and task FMRI datasets from 78 subjects was analyzed using standard processing steps in AFNI. We found that the spatial smoothness and cluster-volume thresholds are fairly stable over the voxel resampling size range of 1 to 3 mm, in contradistinction to the reported results from SPM12.
Comment: 4 figures, 20 pages