
Measurement of the inclusive-isolated prompt-photon cross section in $p\bar{p}$ collisions using the full CDF data set
Document Type
Working Paper
CDF CollaborationAaltonen, T.Albrow, M. G.Amerio, S.Amidei, D.Anastassov, A.Annovi, A.Antos, J.Apollinari, G.Appel, J. A.Arisawa, T.Artikov, A.Asaadi, J.Ashmanskas, W.Auerbach, B.Aurisano, A.Azfar, F.Badgett, W.Bae, T.Barbaro-Galtieri, A.Barnes, V. E.Barnett, B. A.Barria, P.Bartos, P.Bauce, M.Bedeschi, F.Behari, S.Bellettini, G.Bellinger, J.Benjamin, D.Beretvas, A.Bhatti, A.Bland, K. R.Blumenfeld, B.Bocci, A.Bodek, A.Bortoletto, D.Boudreau, J.Boveia, A.Brigliadori, L.Bromberg, C.Brucken, E.Budagov, J.Budd, H. S.Burkett, K.Busetto, G.Bussey, P.Butti, P.Buzatu, A.Calamba, A.Camarda, S.Campanelli, M.Canelli, F.Carls, B.Carlsmith, D.Carosi, R.Carrillo, S.Casal, B.Casarsa, M.Castro, A.Catastini, P.Cauz, D.Cavaliere, V.Cerri, A.Cerrito, L.Chen, Y. C.Chertok, M.Chiarelli, G.Chlachidze, G.Cho, K.Chokheli, D.Clark, A.Clarke, C.Convery, M. E.Conway, J.Corbo, M.Cordelli, M.Cox, C. A.Cox, D. J.Cremonesi, M.Cruz, D.Cuevas, J.Culbertson, R.d'Ascenzo, N.Datta, M.de Barbaro, P.Demortier, L.Deninno, M.Devoto, F.D'Errico, M.Di Canto, A.Di Ruzza, B.Dittmann, J. R.D'Onofrio, M.Donati, S.Dorigo, M.Driutti, A.Ebina, K.Edgar, R.Erbacher, R.Errede, S.Esham, B.Farrington, S.Ramos, J. P. FernándezField, R.Flanagan, G.Forrest, R.Franklin, M.Freeman, J. C.Frisch, H.Funakoshi, Y.Galloni, C.Garfinkel, A. F.Garosi, P.Gerberich, H.Gerchtein, E.Giagu, S.Giakoumopoulou, V.Gibson, K.Ginsburg, C. M.Giokaris, N.Giromini, P.Glagolev, V.Glenzinski, D.Gold, M.Goldin, D.Golossanov, A.Gomez, G.Gomez-Ceballos, G.Goncharov, M.López, O. GonzálezGorelov, I.Goshaw, A. T.Goulianos, K.Gramellini, E.Grosso-Pilcher, C.da Costa, J. GuimaraesHahn, S. R.Han, J. Y.Happacher, F.Hara, K.Hare, M.Harr, R. F.Harrington-Taber, T.Hatakeyama, K.Hays, C.Heinrich, J.Herndon, M.Hocker, A.Hong, Z.Hopkins, W.Hou, S.Hughes, R. E.Husemann, U.Hussein, M.Huston, J.Introzzi, G.Iori, M.Ivanov, A.James, E.Jang, D.Jayatilaka, B.Jeon, E. J.Jindariani, S.Jones, M.Joo, K. K.Jun, S. Y.Junk, T. R.Kambeitz, M.Kamon, T.Karchin, P. E.Kasmi, A.Kato, Y.Ketchum, W.Keung, J.Kilminster, B.Kim, D. H.Kim, H. S.Kim, J. E.Kim, M. J.Kim, S. B.Kim, S. H.Kim, Y. K.Kim, Y. J.Kimura, N.Kirby, M.Kondo, K.Kong, D. J.Konigsberg, J.Kotwal, A. V.Kreps, M.Kroll, J.Kruse, M.Kuhr, T.Kurata, M.Laasanen, A. T.Lammel, S.Lancaster, M.Lannon, K.Latino, G.Lee, H. S.Lee, J. S.Leo, S.Leone, S.Lewis, J. D.Limosani, A.Lipeles, E.Lister, A.Liu, Q.Liu, T.Lockwitz, S.Loginov, A.Lucà, A.Lucchesi, D.Lueck, J.Lujan, P.Lukens, P.Lungu, G.Lys, J.Lysak, R.Madrak, R.Maestro, P.Malik, S.Manca, G.Manousakis-Katsikakis, A.Marchese, L.Margaroli, F.Marino, P.Matera, K.Mattson, M. E.Mazzacane, A.Mazzanti, P.McNulty, R.Mehta, A.Mehtala, P.Mesropian, C.Miao, T.Mietlicki, D.Mitra, A.Miyake, H.Moed, S.Moggi, N.Moon, C. S.Moore, R.Morello, M. J.Mukherjee, A.Muller, Th.Murat, P.Mussini, M.Nachtman, J.Nagai, Y.Naganoma, J.Nakano, I.Napier, A.Nett, J.Nigmanov, T.Nodulman, L.Noh, S. Y.Norniella, O.Oakes, L.Oh, S. H.Oh, Y. D.Okusawa, T.Orava, R.Ortolan, L.Pagliarone, C.Palencia, E.Palni, P.Papadimitriou, V.Parker, W.Pauletta, G.Paulini, M.Paus, C.Phillips, T. J.Piacentino, G.Pianori, E.Pilot, J.Pitts, K.Plager, C.Pondrom, L.Poprocki, S.Potamianos, K.Prokoshin, F.Pranko, A.Ptohos, F.Punzi, G.Fernández, I. RedondoRenton, P.Rescigno, M.Rimondi, F.Ristori, L.Robson, A.Rodriguez, T.Rolli, S.Ronzani, M.Roser, R.Rosner, J. L.Ruffini, F.Ruiz, A.Russ, J.Rusu, V.Sakumoto, W. K.Sakurai, Y.Santi, L.Sato, K.Saveliev, V.Savoy-Navarro, A.Schlabach, P.Schmidt, E. E.Schwarz, T.Scodellaro, L.Scuri, F.Seidel, S.Seiya, Y.Semenov, A.Sforza, F.Shalhout, S. Z.Shears, T.Shepard, P. F.Shimojima, M.Shochet, M.Shreyber-Tecker, I.Simonenko, A.Sinervo, P.Sliwa, K.Smith, J. R.Snider, F. D.Sorin, V.Song, H.Stancari, M.Denis, R. St.Stentz, D.Strologas, J.Sudo, Y.Sukhanov, A.Suslov, I.Takemasa, K.Takeuchi, Y.Tang, J.Tecchio, M.Teng, P. K.Thom, J.Thomson, E.Thukral, V.Toback, D.Tokar, S.Tollefson, K.Tomura, T.Tonelli, D.Torre, S.Torretta, D.Totaro, P.Trovato, M.Ukegawa, F.Uozumi, S.Vázquez, F.Velev, G.Vellidis, C.Vernieri, C.Vidal, M.Vilar, R.Vizán, J.Vogel, M.Volpi, G.Wagner, P.Wallny, R.Wang, S. M.Waters, D.Wester III, W. C.Whiteson, D.Wicklund, A. B.Wilbur, S.Williams, H. H.Wilson, J. S.Wilson, P.Winer, B. L.Wittich, P.Wolbers, S.Wolfe, H.Wright, T.Wu, X.Wu, Z.Yamamoto, K.Yamato, D.Yang, T.Yang, U. K.Yang, Y. C.Yao, W. -M.Yeh, G. P.Yi, K.Yoh, J.Yorita, K.Yoshida, T.Yu, G. B.Yu, I.Zanetti, A. M.Zeng, Y.Zhou, C.Zucchelli, S.
Phys. Rev. D 96, 092003 (2017)
High Energy Physics - Experiment
A measurement of the inclusive production cross section of isolated prompt photons in proton-antiproton collisions at center-of-mass energy $\sqrt{s}$=1.96TeV is presented. The results are obtained using the full Run II data sample collected with the Collider Detector at the Fermilab Tevatron, which corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 9.5fb$^{-1}$. The cross section is measured as a function of photon transverse energy, $E_T^{\gamma}$, in the range 30$ < E_T^{\gamma} <$500GeV and in the pseudorapidity region $|\eta^{\gamma}|<$1.0. The results are compared with predictions from parton-shower Monte Carlo models at leading order in quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and from next-to-leading order perturbative QCD calculations. The latter show good agreement with the measured cross section.
Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev. D - RC