
Local certification of forbidden subgraphs
Document Type
Working Paper
Computer Science - Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing
Computer Science - Discrete Mathematics
Computer Science - Data Structures and Algorithms
Detecting specific structures in a network has been a very active theme of research in distributed computing for at least a decade. In this paper, we start the study of subgraph detection from the perspective of local certification. Remember that a local certification is a distributed mechanism enabling the nodes of a network to check the correctness of the current configuration, thanks to small pieces of information called certificates. Our main question is: For a given graph $H$, what is the minimum certificate size that allows checking that the network does not contain $H$ as a (possibly induced) subgraph? We show a variety of lower and upper bounds, uncovering an interesting interplay between the optimal certificate size, the size of the forbidden subgraph, and the locality of the verification. Along the way we introduce several new technical tools, in particular what we call the \emph{layered map}, which is not specific to forbidden subgraphs and that we expect to be useful for certifying many other properties.