
Detector array for the $^7$H nucleus multi-neutron decay study
Document Type
Working Paper
Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors
Nuclear Experiment
Setup fitting the requirements for the detailed study of the five-body decay of the 7H nucleus obtained as a result of the proton transfer from the 8He projectiles to the deuterium target nuclei is being built at the radioactive beam line of ACCULINNA-2 separator in the G.N. Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions. Described here is the assembly of 100 BC-404 plastic scintillators, intended for neutron detection, the annular Si detector telescope for the 3He recoils, and the detector array providing the $\Delta E$-$E$-TOF registration of 3H nuclei emitted at the 7H decay. Results obtained by the Monte Carlo simulations made for the energy values and flight passes of all these particles are given together with the luminosity expected for the discussed experiments.