
Dualtronics: leveraging both faces of polar semiconductors
Document Type
Working Paper
Physics - Applied Physics
Condensed Matter - Materials Science
Unlike non-polar semiconductors such as silicon, the broken inversion symmetry of the wide bandgap semiconductor gallium nitride leads to a large electronic polarization along a unique crystal axis. This makes the two surfaces of the semiconductor wafer perpendicular to the polar axis dramatically different in their physical and chemical properties. In the last three decades, the cation (gallium) face of gallium nitride has been used for photonic devices such as LEDs and lasers. Though the cation face has also been predominantly used for electronic devices, the anion (nitrogen) face has recently shown promise for high electron mobility transistors due to favorable polarization discontinuities. In this work we show that it is possible to make photonic devices on the cation face, and electronic devices on the anion face, of the same semiconductor wafer. This opens the possibility for dualtronics in polar semiconductors, where electronic, photonic, and acoustic properties can be implemented on opposite faces of the same wafer, dramatically enhancing the functional capabilities of this revolutionary semiconductor family.