
Molecular state in a spin-orbital-angular-momentum coupled Fermi gas
Document Type
Working Paper
Condensed Matter - Quantum Gases
Physics - Atomic Physics
We study the two-body bound states in a spin-orbital-angular-momentum (SOAM) coupled quantum gas of fermions. Two different configurations are considered: an attractive $s$-wave interaction exists between two spin species that are SOAM coupled; and an atom with SOAM coupled internal spins interacts state-selectively with another atom. For both cases, we identify the condition for the emergence of molecular states with finite total angular momenta.These molecular states with quantized total angular momenta correspond to the SOAM-coupling-induced vortices in the corresponding Fermi superfluid. We propose to detect the molecules through Raman spectroscopy with Laguerre-Gaussian lasers. As the molecular states can form above the superfluid temperature, they offer an experimentally more accessible route toward the study of the underlying pairing mechanism under SOAM coupling.