
Experimental demonstration of conjugate-Franson interferometry
Document Type
Working Paper
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 093603 (2021)
Quantum Physics
Franson interferometry is a well-known quantum measurement technique for probing photon-pair frequency correlations that is often used to certify time-energy entanglement. We demonstrate the complementary technique in the time basis, called conjugate-Franson interferometry, that measures photon-pair arrival-time correlations, thus providing a valuable addition to the quantum toolbox. We obtain a conjugate-Franson interference visibility of $96\pm 1$% without background subtraction for entangled photon pairs generated by spontaneous parametric down-conversion. Our measured result surpasses the quantum-classical threshold by 25 standard deviations and validates the conjugate-Franson interferometer (CFI) as an alternative method for certifying time-energy entanglement. Moreover, the CFI visibility is a function of the biphoton's joint temporal intensity and is therefore sensitive to that state's spectral phase variation, something which is not the case for Franson interferometry or Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometry. We highlight the CFI's utility by measuring its visibilities for two different biphoton states, one without and the other with spectral phase variation, and observing a 21% reduction in the CFI visibility for the latter. The CFI is potentially useful for applications in areas of photonic entanglement, quantum communications, and quantum networking.