
Dynamic Visual Analytics for Elicitation Meetings with ELICA
Document Type
Working Paper
Computer Science - Computers and Society
Computer Science - Machine Learning
Statistics - Machine Learning
Requirements elicitation can be very challenging in projects that require deep domain knowledge about the system at hand. As analysts have the full control over the elicitation process, their lack of knowledge about the system under study inhibits them from asking related questions and reduces the accuracy of requirements provided by stakeholders. We present ELICA, a generic interactive visual analytics tool to assist analysts during requirements elicitation process. ELICA uses a novel information extraction algorithm based on a combination of Weighted Finite State Transducers (WFSTs) (generative model) and SVMs (discriminative model). ELICA presents the extracted relevant information in an interactive GUI (including zooming, panning, and pinching) that allows analysts to explore which parts of the ongoing conversation (or specification document) match with the extracted information. In this demonstration, we show that ELICA is usable and effective in practice, and is able to extract the related information in real-time. We also demonstrate how carefully designed features in ELICA facilitate the interactive and dynamic process of information extraction.