
Study of the decay $\bar{B}^{0}\rightarrow\Lambda_{c}^{+}\bar{p}\pi^{+}\pi^{-}$ and its intermediate states
Document Type
Working Paper
The Babar CollaborationLees, J. P.Poireau, V.Tisserand, V.Grauges, E.Palano, A.Eigen, G.Stugu, B.Brown, D. N.Kerth, L. T.Kolomensky, Yu. G.Lynch, G.Koch, H.Schroeder, T.Asgeirsson, D. J.Hearty, C.Mattison, T. S.McKenna, J. A.So, R. Y.Khan, A.Blinov, V. E.Buzykaev, A. R.Druzhinin, V. P.Golubev, V. B.Kravchenko, E. A.Onuchin, A. P.Serednyakov, S. I.Skovpen, Yu. I.Solodov, E. P.Todyshev, K. Yu.Yushkov, A. N.Kirkby, D.Lankford, A. J.Mandelkern, M.Atmacan, H.Gary, J. W.Long, O.Vitug, G. M.Campagnari, C.Hong, T. M.Kovalskyi, D.Richman, J. D.West, C. A.Eisner, A. M.Kroseberg, J.Lockman, W. S.Martinez, A. J.Schumm, B. A.Seiden, A.Chao, D. S.Cheng, C. H.Echenard, B.Flood, K. T.Hitlin, D. G.Ongmongkolkul, P.Porter, F. C.Rakitin, A. Y.Andreassen, R.Huard, Z.Meadows, B. T.Sokoloff, M. D.Sun, L.Bloom, P. C.Ford, W. T.Gaz, A.Nauenberg, U.Smith, J. G.Wagner, S. R.Ayad, R.Toki, W. H.Spaan, B.Schubert, K. R.Schwierz, R.Bernard, D.Verderi, M.Clark, P. J.Playfer, S.Bettoni, D.Bozzi, C.Calabrese, R.Cibinetto, G.Fioravanti, E.Garzia, I.Luppi, E.Piemontese, L.Santoro, V.Baldini-Ferroli, R.Calcaterra, A.de Sangro, R.Finocchiaro, G.Patteri, P.Peruzzi, I. M.Piccolo, M.Rama, M.Zallo, A.Contri, R.Guido, E.Vetere, M. LoMonge, M. R.Passaggio, S.Patrignani, C.Robutti, E.Bhuyan, B.Prasad, V.Morii, M.Adametz, A.Uwer, U.Lacker, H. M.Lueck, T.Dauncey, P. D.Mallik, U.Chen, C.Cochran, J.Meyer, W. T.Prell, S.Rubin, A. E.Gritsan, A. V.Arnaud, N.Davier, M.Derkach, D.Grosdidier, G.Diberder, F. LeLutz, A. M.Malaescu, B.Roudeau, P.Schune, M. H.Stocchi, A.Wormser, G.Lange, D. J.Wright, D. M.Chavez, C. A.Coleman, J. P.Fry, J. R.Gabathuler, E.Hutchcroft, D. E.Payne, D. J.Touramanis, C.Bevan, A. J.Di Lodovico, F.Sacco, R.Sigamani, M.Cowan, G.Davis, C. L.Denig, A. G.Fritsch, M.Gradl, W.Griessinger, K.Hafner, A.Prencipe, E.Barlow, R. J.Jackson, G.Lafferty, G. D.Behn, E.Cenci, R.Hamilton, B.Jawahery, A.Roberts, D. A.Dallapiccola, C.Cowan, R.Dujmic, D.Sciolla, G.Cheaib, R.Lindemann, D.Patel, P. M.Robertson, S. H.Biassoni, P.Neri, N.Palombo, F.Stracka, S.Cremaldi, L.Godang, R.Kroeger, R.Sonnek, P.Summers, D. J.Nguyen, X.Simard, M.Taras, P.De Nardo, G.Monorchio, D.Onorato, G.Sciacca, C.Martinelli, M.Raven, G.Jessop, C. P.LoSecco, J. M.Wang, W. F.Honscheid, K.Kass, R.Brau, J.Frey, R.Sinev, N. B.Strom, D.Torrence, E.Feltresi, E.Gagliardi, N.Margoni, M.Morandin, M.Posocco, M.Rotondo, M.Simi, G.Simonetto, F.Stroili, R.Akar, S.Ben-Haim, E.Bomben, M.Bonneaud, G. R.Briand, H.Calderini, G.Chauveau, J.Hamon, O.Leruste, Ph.Marchiori, G.Ocariz, J.Sitt, S.Biasini, M.Manoni, E.Pacetti, S.Rossi, A.Angelini, C.Batignani, G.Bettarini, S.Carpinelli, M.Casarosa, G.Cervelli, A.Forti, F.Giorgi, M. A.Lusiani, A.Oberhof, B.Perez, A.Rizzo, G.Walsh, J. J.Pegna, D. LopesOlsen, J.Smith, A. J. S.Anulli, F.Faccini, R.Ferrarotto, F.Ferroni, F.Gaspero, M.Gioi, L. LiMazzoni, M. A.Piredda, G.Bünger, C.Grünberg, O.Hartmann, T.Leddig, T.Schröder, H.Voß, C.Waldi, R.Adye, T.Olaiya, E. O.Wilson, F. F.Emery, S.de Monchenault, G. HamelVasseur, G.Y\`, Ch.Aston, D.Bartoldus, R.Benitez, J. F.Cartaro, C.Convery, M. R.Dorfan, J.Dubois-Felsmann, G. P.Dunwoodie, W.Ebert, M.Field, R. C.Sevilla, M. FrancoFulsom, B. G.Gabareen, A. M.Graham, M. T.Grenier, P.Hast, C.Innes, W. R.Kelsey, M. H.Kim, P.Kocian, M. L.Leith, D. W. G. S.Lewis, P.Lindquist, B.Luitz, S.Luth, V.Lynch, H. L.MacFarlane, D. B.Muller, D. R.Neal, H.Nelson, S.Perl, M.Pulliam, T.Ratcliff, B. N.Roodman, A.Salnikov, A. A.Schindler, R. H.Snyder, A.Su, D.Sullivan, M. K.Va'vra, J.Wagner, A. P.Wisniewski, W. J.Wittgen, M.Wright, D. H.Wulsin, H. W.Young, C. C.Ziegler, V.Park, W.Purohit, M. V.White, R. M.Wilson, J. R.Randle-Conde, A.Sekula, S. J.Bellis, M.Burchat, P. R.Miyashita, T. S.Puccio, E. M. T.Alam, M. S.Ernst, J. A.Gorodeisky, R.Guttman, N.Peimer, D. R.Soffer, A.Spanier, S. M.Ritchie, J. L.Ruland, A. M.Schwitters, R. F.Wray, B. C.Izen, J. M.Lou, X. C.Bianchi, F.Gamba, D.Zambito, S.Lanceri, L.Vitale, L.Martinez-Vidal, F.Oyanguren, A.Villanueva-Perez, P.Ahmed, H.Albert, J.Banerjee, Sw.Bernlochner, F. U.Choi, H. H. F.King, G. J.Kowalewski, R.Lewczuk, M. J.Nugent, I. M.Roney, J. M.Sobie, R. J.Tasneem, N.Gershon, T. J.Harrison, P. F.Latham, T. E.Band, H. R.Dasu, S.Pan, Y.Prepost, R.Wu, S. L.
High Energy Physics - Experiment
We study the decay $\bar{B}^{0}\rightarrow\Lambda_{c}^{+}\bar{p}\pi^{+}\pi^{-}$, reconstructing the \Lambda_{c}^{+} baryon in the $p K^{-}\pi^{+}$ mode, using a data sample of $467\times 10^{6}$ $B\bar{B}$ pairs collected with the BaBar detector at the PEP-2 storage rings at SLAC. We measure branching fractions for decays with intermediate $\Sigma_{c}$ baryons to be ${\cal B}[\bar{B}^{0}\rightarrow\Sigma_{c}(2455)^{++}\bar{p}\pi^{-}]=(21.3 \pm 1.0 \pm 1.0 \pm 5.5) \times 10^{-5}$, ${\cal B}[\bar{B}^{0}\rightarrow\Sigma_{c}(2520)^{++}\bar{p}\pi^{-}]=(11.5\pm 1.0 \pm 0.5 \pm 3.0)\times 10^{-5}$, ${\cal B}[\bar{B}^{0}\rightarrow\Sigma_{c}(2455)^{0}\bar{p}\pi^{+}]=(9.1 \pm 0.7 \pm 0.4 \pm 2.4)\times10^{-5}$, and ${\cal B}[\bar{B}^{0}\rightarrow\Sigma_{c}(2520)^{0}\bar{p}\pi^{+}]= (2.2 \pm 0.7 \pm 0.1\pm 0.6) \times 10^{-5}$, where the uncertainties are statistical, systematic, and due to the uncertainty on the $\Lambda_{c}^{+}\rightarrow\proton\Km\pi^{+}$ branching fraction, respectively. For decays without $\Sigma_{c}(2455)$ or $\Sigma_{c}(2520)$ resonances, we measure ${\cal B}[\bar{B}^{0}\rightarrow\Lambda_{c}^{+}\bar{p}\pi^{+}\pi^{-}]_{\mathrm{non-\Sigma_{c}}}=(79 \pm 4 \pm 4 \pm 20)\times10^{-5}$. The total branching fraction is determined to be ${\cal B}[\bar{B}^{0}\rightarrow\Lambda_{c}^{+}\bar{p}\pi^{+}\pi^{-}]_{\mathrm{total}}=(123 \pm 5 \pm 7 \pm 32)\times10^{-5}$. We examine multibody mass combinations in the resonant three-particle $\Sigma_{c}\bar{p}\pi$ final states and in the four-particle $\Lambda_{c}^{+}\bar{p}\pi^{+}\pi^{-}$ final state, and observe different characteristics for the $\bar{p}\pi$ combination in neutral versus doubly-charged $\Sigma_{c}$ decays.
Comment: 20 pages, 30 figures