
Compression algorithm for discrete light-cone quantization
Document Type
Working Paper
Phys. Rev. E 88, 063302 (2013)
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
Physics - Computational Physics
We adapt the compression algorithm of Weinstein, Auerbach, and Chandra from eigenvectors of spin lattice Hamiltonians to eigenvectors of light-front field-theoretic Hamiltonians. The latter are approximated by the standard discrete light-cone quantization technique, which provides a matrix representation of the Hamiltonian eigenvalue problem. The eigenvectors are represented as singular value decompositions of two-dimensional arrays, indexed by transverse and longitudinal momenta, and compressed by truncation of the decomposition. The Hamiltonian is represented by a rank-four tensor that is decomposed as a sum of contributions factorized into direct products of separate matrices for transverse and longitudinal interactions. The algorithm is applied to a model theory, to illustrate its use.
Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, RevTeX 4.1