
Cepheid Metallicity in the Leavitt Law (C- MetaLL) survey: IV. The metallicity dependence of Cepheid Period-Luminosity relations
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
Classical Cepheids (DCEPs) play a fundamental role in the calibration of the extra-galactic distance ladder which eventually leads to the determination of the Hubble constant($H_0$) thanks to the period-luminosity ($PL$) and period-Wesenheit ($PW$) relations exhibited by these pulsating variables. Therefore, it is of great importance to establish the dependence of $PL/PW$ relations on metallicity. We aim at quantifying the metallicity dependence of the Galactic DCEPs' $PL/PW$ relations for a variety of photometric bands ranging from optical to near-infrared. We gathered a literature sample of 910 DCEPs with available [Fe/H] values from high-resolution spectroscopy or metallicities from \gaia\ Radial Velocity Spectrometer. For all these stars, we collected photometry in the $G_{BP},G_{RP},G,I,V,J,H,K_S$ bands and astrometry from the \gaia\ DR3. These data have been used to investigate the metal dependence of both intercepts and slopes of a variety of $PL/PW$ relations at multiple wavelengths. We find a large negative metallicity effect on the intercept ($\gamma$ coefficient) of all the $PL/PW$ relations investigated in this work, while present data still do not allow us to draw firm conclusions regarding the metal dependence of the slope ($\delta$ coefficient). The typical values of $\gamma$ are around $-0.4:-0.5$ mag/dex, i.e. larger than most of the recent determinations present in the literature. We carried out several tests which confirm the robustness of our results. As in our previous works, we find that the inclusion of global zero point offset of \gaia\ parallaxes provides smaller values of $\gamma$ (in an absolute sense). However, the assumption of the geometric distance of the LMC seems to indicate that larger values of $\gamma$ (in an absolute sense) would be preferred.
Comment: 20 pages, 26 figures. Accepted for publication on A&A. This new version contains corrections from the language editor and a revision of the analysis due to a typo found in the literature