
Entangled Photon Pair Source Demonstrator using the Quantum Instrumentation Control Kit System
Document Type
Working Paper
Quantum Physics
Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors
We report the first demonstration of using the Quantum Instrumentation and Control Kit (QICK) system on RFSoCFPGA technology to drive an entangled photon pair source and to detect the photon signals. With the QICK system, we achieve high levels of performance metrics including coincidence-to-accidental ratio exceeding 150, and entanglement visibility exceeding 95%, consistent with performance metrics achieved using conventional waveform generators. We also demonstrate simultaneous detector readout using the digitization functional of QICK, achieving internal system synchronization time resolution of 3.2 ps. The work reported in this paper represents an explicit demonstration of the feasibility for replacing commercial waveform generators and time taggers with RFSoC-FPGA technology in the operation of a quantum network, representing a cost reduction of more than an order of magnitude.