
Quantum interference of electromechanically stabilized emitters in nanophotonic devices
Document Type
Working Paper
Phys. Rev. X 9, 031022 (2019)
Physics - Applied Physics
Physics - Optics
Quantum Physics
Photon-mediated coupling between distant matter qubits may enable secure communication over long distances, the implementation of distributed quantum computing schemes, and the exploration of new regimes of many-body quantum dynamics. Nanophotonic devices coupled to solid-state quantum emitters represent a promising approach towards realization of these goals, as they combine strong light-matter interaction and high photon collection efficiencies. However, the scalability of these approaches is limited by the frequency mismatch between solid-state emitters and the instability of their optical transitions. Here we present a nano-electromechanical platform for stabilization and tuning of optical transitions of silicon-vacancy (SiV) color centers in diamond nanophotonic devices by dynamically controlling their strain environments. This strain-based tuning scheme has sufficient range and bandwidth to alleviate the spectral mismatch between individual SiV centers. Using strain, we ensure overlap between color center optical transitions and observe an entangled superradiant state by measuring correlations of photons collected from the diamond waveguide. This platform for tuning spectrally stable color centers in nanophotonic waveguides and resonators constitutes an important step towards a scalable quantum network.