
SDSS-IV MaNGA: Calibration of astrophysical line-widths in the H{\alpha} region using HexPak observations
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics
We have re-observed $\rm\sim$40 low-inclination, star-forming galaxies from the MaNGA survey ($\upsigma\sim65$~\kms) at $\sim$6.5 times higher spectral resolution ($\upsigma\sim10$~\kms) using the HexPak integral field unit on the WIYN 3.5m telescope. The aim of these observations is to calibrate MaNGA's instrumental resolution and to characterize turbulence in the warm interstellar medium and ionized galactic outflows. Here we report the results for the H$\rm\upalpha$ region observations as they pertain to the calibration of MaNGA's spectral resolution. Remarkably, we find that the previously-reported MaNGA line-spread-function (LSF) Gaussian width is systematically underestimated by only 1\%. The LSF increase modestly reduces the characteristic dispersion of HII regions-dominated spectra sampled at 1-2 kpc spatial scales from 23 to 20 km s$^{-1}$ in our sample, or a 25\% decrease in the random-motion kinetic energy. This commensurately lowers the dispersion zeropoint in the relation between line-width and star-formation rate surface-density in galaxies sampled on the same spatial scale. This modest zero-point shift does not appear to alter the power-law slope in the relation between line-width and star-formation rate surface-density. We also show that adopting a scheme whereby corrected line-widths are computed as the square root of the median of the difference in the squared measured line width and the squared LSF Gaussian avoids biases and allows for lower SNR data to be used reliably.