
Property $(\diamond)$ for Ore extensions of small Krull dimension
Document Type
Working Paper
Mathematics - Rings and Algebras
16D50, 16P40, 16S35
This paper is a continuation of a project to determine which skew polynomial algebras $S = R[\theta; \alpha]$ satisfy property $(\diamond)$, namely that the injective hull of every simple $S$-module is locally artinian, where $k$ is a field, $R$ is a commutative noetherian $k$-algebra, and $\alpha$ is a $k$-algebra automorphism of $R$. Earlier work (which we review) and further analysis done here leads us to focus on the case where $S$ is a primitive domain and $R$ has Krull dimension 1 and contains an uncountable field. Then we show first that if $|\mathrm{Spec}(R)|$ is infinite then $S$ does not satisfy $(\diamond)$. Secondly we show that when $R = k[X]_{}$ and $\alpha (X) = qX$ where $q \in k \setminus \{0\}$ is not a root of unity then $S$ does not satisfy $(\diamond)$. This is in complete contrast to our earlier result that, when $R = k[[X]]$ and $\alpha$ is an arbitrary $k$-algebra automorphism of infinite order, $S$ satisfies $(\diamond)$. A number of open questions are stated.
Comment: 15pages, comments welcome