
Outshining in the Spatially Resolved Analysis of a Strongly-Lensed Galaxy at z=6.072 with JWST NIRCam
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
We present JWST/NIRCam observations of a strongly-lensed, multiply-imaged galaxy at $z=6.072$, with magnification factors >~20 across the galaxy. We perform a spatially-resolved analysis of the physical properties at scales of ~200 pc, inferred from SED modelling of 5 NIRCam imaging bands on a pixel-by-pixel basis. We find young stars surrounded by extended older stellar populations. By comparing H$\alpha$+[NII] and [OIII]+H$\beta$ maps inferred from the image analysis with our additional NIRSpec IFU data, we find that the spatial distribution and strength of the line maps are in agreement with the IFU measurements. We explore different parametric SFH forms with Bagpipes on the spatially-integrated photometry, finding that a double power-law star formation history retrieves the closest value to the spatially-resolved stellar mass estimate, and other SFH forms suffer from the dominant outshining emission from the youngest stars, thus underestimating the stellar mass - up to ~0.5 dex-. On the other hand, the DPL cannot match the IFU measured emission lines. Additionally, the ionizing photon production efficiency may be overestimated in a spatially-integrated approach by ~0.15 dex, when compared to a spatially-resolved analysis. The agreement with the IFU measurements points towards the pixel-by-pixel approach as a way to mitigate the general degeneracy between the flux excess from emission lines and underlying continuum, especially when lacking photometric medium-band coverage and/or IFU observations. This study stresses the importance of studying galaxies as the complex systems that they are, resolving their stellar populations when possible, or using more flexible SFH parameterisations. This can aid our understanding of the early stages of galaxy evolution by addressing the challenge of inferring robust stellar masses and ionizing photon production efficiencies of high redshift galaxies.
Comment: Submitted to A&A; 13 pages. See also the companion papers on arXiv today: Fujimoto+2024 and Valentino+2024