
MusE GAs FLOw and Wind (MEGAFLOW) X. The cool gas and covering fraction of MgII in galaxy groups
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
We present a study of the cool gas ($\approx 10^4$ K) traced by MgII absorptions around groups of galaxies in the MEGAFLOW survey. Using a combination of two algorithms we blindly identify 32 groups of more than 5 galaxies at $0.3 < z < 1.5$ with $10.7 < \log_{10}(M/\rm M_{\odot}) < 13.7$. Among them 26 can be used to study potential counterpart MgII absorptions. We report that 21 out of the total 120 MgII absorption systems present in MEGAFLOW are associated with groups. We observe that the MgII rest-frame equivalent width ($W^{2796}_r$) drops at an impact parameter of $\approx 150$ projected kpc from the closest galaxy and $\approx$ one virial radius from the identified group center indicating that MgII halos scale with the mass of the groups.The impact parameter where the covering fraction exceeds $50\%$ is $\log_{10}(b/\rm kpc) = 2.17 \pm 0.47$ $(2 \sigma)$ and $(b/R_{\rm vir}) = 1.67 \pm 0.98$, which is $\approx 3$ times larger than for field galaxies ($\log_{10}(b/\rm kpc)=1.67\pm0.15$). Finally, we estimate the cool gas column density profile in groups (from the $W^{2796}_r$) and show that its shape follows closely the typical dark matter column density profile for halos at similar redshift and masses.