
On survey of nuclei and hypernuclei in multifragmentation
Document Type
Working Paper
Phys. Scr. 95 075311 (2020)
Nuclear Theory
High Energy Physics - Experiment
Nuclear Experiment
Multifragmentation reactions are dominating processes for the decomposition of highly excited nuclei leading to the fragment production in heavy-ion collisions. At high energy reactions strange particles are abundantly produced. We present a novel development of the Statistical multifragmentation model (SMM) as its generalization for the hyper-matter which is formed after the hyperon capture. In this way, it is possible to describe its disintegration into normal and hyper-nuclei. Some properties of hyper-nuclei and their binding energies can be determined from the comparison of the isotope yields. The main focus of this method is to investigate strange and multi-strange hypernuclei since their properties are not easy to measure in traditional hyper-nuclei experiments.
Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, to be submitted Phys. Scr