
Structure and Interleavings of Relative Interlevel Set Cohomology
Document Type
Working Paper
Mathematics - Algebraic Topology
Computer Science - Computational Geometry
55N31 (Primary), 62R40, 06B99 (Secondary)
The relative interlevel set cohomology (RISC) is an invariant of real-valued continuous functions closely related to the Mayer--Vietoris pyramid introduced by Carlsson, de Silva, and Morozov. As such, the relative interlevel set cohomology is a parametrization of the cohomology vector spaces of all open interlevel sets relative complements of closed interlevel sets. We provide a structure theorem, which applies to the RISC of real-valued continuous functions whose open interlevel sets have finite-dimensional cohomology in each degree. Moreover, we show this tameness assumption is in some sense equivalent to $q$-tameness as introduced by Chazal, de Silva, Glisse, and Oudot. Furthermore, we provide the notion of an interleaving for RISC and we show that it is stable in the sense that any space with two functions that are $\delta$-close induces a $\delta$-interleaving of the corresponding relative interlevel set cohomologies. Finally, we provide an elementary form of quantitative homotopy invariance for RISC.
Comment: 40 pages + 10 pages appendix, 22 figures; this paper shares an appendix with an earlier version of arXiv:2007.01834; corrected the caption of figure 2.3, added missing assumption to corollary 3.15 (formerly corollary 3.13), added figure 3.2, added a corollary to theorem 3.5, added details to remark 4.1, added missing assumption to lemma A.15, strengthened lemma 2.3, several minor edits