
Physical properties of strong 1 < z < 3 Balmer and Paschen lines emitters observed with JWST
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
The ultraviolet continuum traces young stars while the near-infrared unveils older stellar populations and dust-obscured regions. Balmer emission lines provide insights on gas properties and young stellar objects but are highly affected by dust attenuation. The near-infrared Paschen lines suffer less dust attenuation and can be used to measure star formation rates (SFRs) in star-forming regions obscured by dust clouds. We select 13 sources between redshifts 1 and 3 observed with HST, JWST/NIRCam and NIRSpec based on the availability of at least one Balmer and one Paschen line with S/N > 5. With a newly-developed version of CIGALE, we fit their hydrogen line equivalent widths (EWs) and photometric data. We assess the impacts of the removal of spectroscopic data by comparing the quality of the fits of the spectro-photometric data to those with photometric data only. We compare the single (BC03) vs binary (BPASS) stellar populations models in the fitting process of spectro-photometric data. We derive the differential attenuation and explore different attenuation recipes by fitting spectro-photometric data with BC03. For each stellar model and for each input dataset (with and without EWs), we quantify the deviation on the SFRs and stellar masses from the "standard" choice. On average, the SFRs are overestimated and the stellar masses are underestimated when EWs are not included as input data. We find a major contribution of the H${\alpha}$ emission line to the broadband photometric measurements of our sources, and a trend of increasing contribution with specific SFR. Using the BPASS models has a significant impact on the derived SFRs and stellar masses. We show that a flexible attenuation recipe provides more accurate estimates of the dust attenuation parameters, especially the differential attenuation which agrees with the original value of Charlot & Fall (2000).
Comment: Accepted in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 19 pages, 15 figures