
Ultra-low Power Deep Learning-based Monocular Relative Localization Onboard Nano-quadrotors
Document Type
Working Paper
2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
Computer Science - Robotics
Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence
Precise relative localization is a crucial functional block for swarm robotics. This work presents a novel autonomous end-to-end system that addresses the monocular relative localization, through deep neural networks (DNNs), of two peer nano-drones, i.e., sub-40g of weight and sub-100mW processing power. To cope with the ultra-constrained nano-drone platform, we propose a vertically-integrated framework, from the dataset collection to the final in-field deployment, including dataset augmentation, quantization, and system optimizations. Experimental results show that our DNN can precisely localize a 10cm-size target nano-drone by employing only low-resolution monochrome images, up to ~2m distance. On a disjoint testing dataset our model yields a mean R2 score of 0.42 and a root mean square error of 18cm, which results in a mean in-field prediction error of 15cm and in a closed-loop control error of 17cm, over a ~60s-flight test. Ultimately, the proposed system improves the State-of-the-Art by showing long-endurance tracking performance (up to 2min continuous tracking), generalization capabilities being deployed in a never-seen-before environment, and requiring a minimal power consumption of 95mW for an onboard real-time inference-rate of 48Hz.
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