
Predicting human-generated bitstreams using classical and quantum models
Document Type
Working Paper
Quantum Physics
Computer Science - Information Theory
Computer Science - Machine Learning
A school of thought contends that human decision making exhibits quantum-like logic. While it is not known whether the brain may indeed be driven by actual quantum mechanisms, some researchers suggest that the decision logic is phenomenologically non-classical. This paper develops and implements an empirical framework to explore this view. We emulate binary decision-making using low width, low depth, parameterized quantum circuits. Here, entanglement serves as a resource for pattern analysis in the context of a simple bit-prediction game. We evaluate a hybrid quantum-assisted machine learning strategy where quantum processing is used to detect correlations in the bitstreams while parameter updates and class inference are performed by classical post-processing of measurement results. Simulation results indicate that a family of two-qubit variational circuits is sufficient to achieve the same bit-prediction accuracy as the best traditional classical solution such as neural nets or logistic autoregression. Thus, short of establishing a provable "quantum advantage" in this simple scenario, we give evidence that the classical predictability analysis of a human-generated bitstream can be achieved by small quantum models.
Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, 12 tables