
LATIS: Constraints on the Galaxy-halo Connection at $z \sim 2.5$ from Galaxy-galaxy and Galaxy-Ly$\alpha$ Clustering
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
The connection between galaxies and dark matter halos is often quantified using the stellar mass-halo mass (SMHM) relation. Optical and near-infrared imaging surveys have led to a broadly consistent picture of the evolving SMHM relation based on measurements of galaxy abundances and angular correlation functions. Spectroscopic surveys at $z \gtrsim 2$ can also constrain the SMHM relation via the galaxy autocorrelation function and through the cross-correlation between galaxies and Ly$\alpha$ absorption measured in transverse sightlines; however, such studies are very few and have produced some unexpected or inconclusive results. We use $\sim$3000 spectra of $z\sim2.5$ galaxies from the Lyman-alpha Tomography IMACS Survey (LATIS) to measure the galaxy-galaxy and galaxy-Ly$\alpha$ correlation functions in four bins of stellar mass spanning $10^{9.2} \lesssim M_* / M_{\odot} \lesssim 10^{10.5}$. Parallel analyses of the MultiDark N-body and ASTRID hydrodynamic cosmological simulations allow us to model the correlation functions, estimate covariance matrices, and infer halo masses. We find that results of the two methods are mutually consistent and are broadly in accord with standard SMHM relations. This consistency demonstrates that we are able to accurately measure and model Ly$\alpha$ transmission fluctuations $\delta_F$ in LATIS. We also show that the galaxy-Ly$\alpha$ cross-correlation, a free byproduct of optical spectroscopic galaxy surveys at these redshifts, can constrain halo masses with similar precision to galaxy-galaxy clustering.
Comment: Accepted to ApJ