
Observation of strong two-electron--one-photon transitions in few-electron ion
Document Type
Working Paper
Physical Review A 102, 052831 (2020)
Physics - Atomic Physics
Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
Physics - Plasma Physics
We resonantly excite the $K$ series of O$^{5+}$ and O$^{6+}$ up to principal quantum number $n=11$ with monochromatic x rays, producing $K$-shell holes, and observe their relaxation by soft-x-ray emission. Some photoabsorption resonances of O$^{5+}$ reveal strong two-electron--one-photon (TEOP) transitions. We find that for the $[(1s\,2s)_1\,5p_{3/2}]_{3/2;1/2}$ states, TEOP relaxation is by far stronger than the radiative decay and competes with the usually much faster Auger decay path. This enhanced TEOP decay arises from a strong correlation with the near-degenerate upper states $[(1s\,2p_{3/2})_1\,4s]_{3/2;1/2}$ of a Li-like satellite blend of the He-like $K\alpha$ transition. Even in three-electron systems, TEOP transitions can play a dominant role, and the present results should guide further research on the ubiquitous and abundant many-electron ions where electronic energy degeneracies are far more common and configuration mixing is stronger.
Comment: Published in PRA