
Nonlinear quasinormal mode detectability with next-generation gravitational wave detectors
Document Type
Working Paper
Phys. Rev. D 109, 124029 (2024)
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
In the aftermath of a binary black hole merger event, the gravitational wave signal emitted by the remnant black hole is modeled as a superposition of damped sinusoids known as quasinormal modes. While the dominant quasinormal modes originating from linear black hole perturbation theory have been studied extensively in this post-merger "ringdown" phase, more accurate models of ringdown radiation include the nonlinear modes arising from higher-order perturbations of the remnant black hole spacetime. We explore the detectability of quadratic quasinormal modes with both ground- and space-based next-generation detectors. We quantify how predictions of the quadratic mode detectability depend on the quasinormal mode starting times. We then calculate the signal-to-noise ratio of quadratic modes for several detectors and binary black hole populations, focusing on the ($220\times220$) mode - i.e., on the quadratic term sourced by the square of the linear $(220)$ mode. For the events with the loudest quadratic mode signal-to-noise ratios, we additionally compute statistical errors on the mode parameters in order to further ascertain the distinguishability of the quadratic mode from the linear quasinormal modes. The astrophysical models used in this paper suggest that while the quadratic mode may be detectable in at most a few events with ground-based detectors, the prospects for detection with the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) are more optimistic.
Comment: 21 pages, 16 figures, 2 tables; revised to match published version; new plots in App. D