
Refining magnetic interactions from the magnetic field dependence of spin-wave excitations in magnetoelectric LiFePO$_4$
Document Type
Working Paper
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons
Condensed Matter - Materials Science
We investigated the spin excitations of magnetoelectric $\text{LiFePO}_4$ by THz absorption spectroscopy in magnetic fields up to 33$\,$T. By studying their selection rules, we found not only magnetic-dipole, but also electric-dipole active (electromagnons) and magnetoelectric resonances. The magnetic field dependence of four strong low-energy modes is reproduced well by our four-sublattice spin model for fields applied along the three orthorhombic axes. From the fit, we refined the exchange couplings, single-ion anisotropies, and the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction parameters. Additional spin excitations not described by the mean-field model are observed at higher frequencies. Some of them shows a strong shift with magnetic field, up to 4$\,\text{cm}^{-1}/\text{T}$, when the field is applied along the easy axis. Based on this field dependence, we attribute these high frequency resonances to excitation of higher spin multipoles and of two magnons, which become THz-active due to the low symmetry of the magnetically ordered state.