
Learning to Deceive in Multi-Agent Hidden Role Games
Document Type
Working Paper
In: Deceptive AI. DeceptECAI DeceptAI 2020 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1296. Springer, Cham (2021)
Computer Science - Multiagent Systems
Deception is prevalent in human social settings. However, studies into the effect of deception on reinforcement learning algorithms have been limited to simplistic settings, restricting their applicability to complex real-world problems. This paper addresses this by introducing a new mixed competitive-cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) environment inspired by popular role-based deception games such as Werewolf, Avalon, and Among Us. The environment's unique challenge lies in the necessity to cooperate with other agents despite not knowing if they are friend or foe. Furthermore, we introduce a model of deception, which we call Bayesian belief manipulation (BBM) and demonstrate its effectiveness at deceiving other agents in this environment while also increasing the deceiving agent's performance.