
$\gamma$-rigid triaxial nuclei in the presence of a minimal length via a quantum perturbation method
Document Type
Working Paper
Nuclear Theory, Vol. 37 (2018) pp 169
Nuclear Theory
In this work, we derive a closed solution of the Shr$ \ddot{o} $dinger equation for Bohr Hamiltonien within the minimal length formalism. This formalism is inspired by Heisenberg algebra and a generlized uncertainty principle (GUP), applied to the geometrical collective Bohr- Mottelson model (BMM) of nuclei by means of deformed canonical commutation relation and the Pauli-Podolsky prescription. The problem is solved by means conjointly of asymptotic iteration method (AIM) and a quantum perturbation method (QPM) for transitional nuclei near the critical point symmetry Z(4) corresponding to phase transition from prolate to $\gamma$-rigid triaxial shape. A scaled Davidson potentiel is used as a restoring potential in order to get physical minimum. The agreement between the obtained theoretical results and the experimental data is very satisfactory.
Comment: 9 pages,1 Figures, LaTeX, contribution to the Proceedings of the 37-th International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (IWNT-37), Rila Mountains, Bulgaria, June 25-July 1, 2018. Editors: M. Gaidarov and N. Minkov, Published by Heron Press Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria, ISSN 1313-2822