
Origins of shortcomings in recent realistic multiband Monte-Carlo studies for GaMnAs
Document Type
Working Paper
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons
Magnetic properties of Mn-doped GaAs are re-investigated within a realistic multiband description of the host valence bands. We explicitely demonstrate that the recent Monte Carlo (MC) simulations performed on a large scale supercomputer suffer from severe shortcomings. Indeed, it is shown, using identical parameters that (i) the calculated Zeeman-splitting largely underestimates that obtained from first principle studies, (ii) the couplings exhibit strong RKKY oscillations, (iii) the stability region for ferromagnetism is much narrower than obtained previously and (iv) the calculated Curie temperatures appear to be at least one order of magnitudes smaller. We show that the proposed choice of physical parameters cannot describe the physics in (Ga,Mn)As.