
Quantized Born Effective charges as probes for the topological phase transition in the Haldane and Kane-Mele models
Document Type
Working Paper
Condensed Matter - Materials Science
We propose a new approach to study the transition between different topological states, based on the assessment of the vibrational resonances in infrared spectra. We consider the Haldane and Kane-Mele models finding that Born effective charges are nearly quantized, with a discontinuous jump concomitant with the topological phase transition. In particular, Born effective charges display a finite value in the trivial phase and a null one in the nontrivial one. This is rooted in the connection between Born effective charges and electronic Berry curvature at the band edges. Finally, at the topological phase transition of the Haldane model, we also observe a nearly quantized jump of the chiral splitting of the zone-center phonon frequencies, induced by time-reversal symmetry breaking.