
Clarifying the Radiative Decay of the Hoyle State with Charged-Particle Spectroscopy
Document Type
Working Paper
Nuclear Experiment
Carbon is a fundamental chemical constituent for the existence of life on Earth. It is forged in red giant stars and its formation is determined by the properties of the Hoyle state ($7.654$ MeV, $0^+$), namely by the competition of its very rare \emph{radiative decay} and its dominant particle-decay. However, there is presently a strong tension in the determination of the radiative decay \emph{branching ratio}, posing major implications on several fundamental aspects of nucleosynthesis and stellar evolution. In this work, we report on an almost background-free measurement of the radiative decay branching ratio of the Hoyle state using charged particle coincidence techniques. We exploit a deuteron on nitrogen-14 nuclear reaction to produce, in a terrestrial laboratory, $^{12}$C nuclei excited in the Hoyle state. The radiative branching ratio is directly deduced by counting their total number and the number of events in which they lead, after radiative emission, to a $^{12}$C in its ground state. The present particle-particle coincidence experiment adopts several techniques to minimize the background and clearly identify the signal associated with the radiative decay. Furthermore, for the first time in a similar experiment, we perform a careful topological study of the coincidence detection efficiency in two dimensions, allowing to reach unitary coincidence efficiency and to have under full control one of the most underhand sources of systematic errors. The new findings contradict recent findings with gamma-particle coincidence techniques and are in excellent agreement with the former estimate of the literature.