
Beam-Energy and System-Size Dependence of Dynamical Net Charge Fluctuations
Document Type
Working Paper
Abelev, B. I.Aggarwal, M. M.Ahammed, Z.Anderson, B. D.Arkhipkin, D.Averichev, G. S.Bai, Y.Balewski, J.Barannikova, O.Barnby, L. S.Baudot, J.Baumgart, S.Beavis, D. R.Bellwied, R.Benedosso, F.Betts, R. R.Bhardwaj, S.Bhasin, A.Bhati, A. K.Bichsel, H.Bielcik, J.Bielcikova, J.Biritz, B.Bland, L. C.Bombara, M.Bonner, B. E.Botje, M.Bouchet, J.Braidot, E.Brandin, A. V.Bueltmann, S.Burton, T. P.Bystersky, M.Cai, X. Z.Caines, H.Sánchez, M. Calderón de la BarcaCallner, J.Catu, O.Cebra, D.Cendejas, R.Cervantes, M. C.Chajecki, Z.Chaloupka, P.Chattopadhyay, S.Chen, H. F.Chen, J. H.Chen, J. Y.Cheng, J.Cherney, M.Chikanian, A.Choi, K. E.Christie, W.Chung, S. U.Clarke, R. F.Codrington, M. J. M.Coffin, J. P.Cormier, T. M.Cosentino, M. R.Cramer, J. G.Crawford, H. J.Das, D.Dash, S.Daugherity, M.Dedovich, T. G.DePhillips, M.Derevschikov, A. A.de Souza, R. DerradiDidenko, L.Djawotho, P.Dogra, S. M.Dong, X.Drachenberg, J. L.Draper, J. E.Du, F.Dunlop, J. C.Mazumdar, M. R. DuttaEdwards, W. R.Efimov, L. G.Elhalhuli, E.Elnimr, M.Emelianov, V.Engelage, J.Eppley, G.Erazmus, B.Estienne, M.Eun, L.Fachini, P.Fatemi, R.Fedorisin, J.Feng, A.Filip, P.Finch, E.Fine, V.Fisyak, Y.Gagliardi, C. A.Gaillard, L.Gangadharan, D. R.Ganti, M. S.Garcia-Solis, E.Ghazikhanian, V.Ghosh, P.Gorbunov, Y. N.Gordon, A.Grebenyuk, O.Grosnick, D.Grube, B.Guertin, S. M.Guimaraes, K. S. F. F.Gupta, A.Gupta, N.Guryn, W.Haag, B.Hallman, T. J.Hamed, A.Harris, J. W.He, W.Heinz, M.Heppelmann, S.Hippolyte, B.Hirsch, A.Hoffman, A. M.Hoffmann, G. W.Hofman, D. J.Hollis, R. S.Huang, H. Z.Humanic, T. J.Igo, G.Iordanova, A.Jacobs, P.Jacobs, W. W.Jakl, P.Jin, F.Jones, P. G.Judd, E. G.Kabana, S.Kajimoto, K.Kang, K.Kapitan, J.Kaplan, M.Keane, D.Kechechyan, A.Kettler, D.Khodyrev, V. Yu.Kiryluk, J.Kisiel, A.Klein, S. R.Knospe, A. G.Kocoloski, A.Koetke, D. D.Kopytine, M.Kotchenda, L.Kouchpil, V.Kravtsov, P.Kravtsov, V. I.Krueger, K.Kuhn, C.Kumar, L.Kurnadi, P.Lamont, M. A. C.Landgraf, J. M.LaPointe, S.Lauret, J.Lebedev, A.Lednicky, R.Lee, C-H.LeVine, M. J.Li, C.Li, Y.Lin, G.Lin, X.Lindenbaum, S. J.Lisa, M. A.Liu, F.Liu, J.Liu, L.Ljubicic, T.Llope, W. J.Longacre, R. S.Love, W. A.Lu, Y.Ludlam, T.Lynn, D.Ma, G. L.Ma, Y. G.Mahapatra, D. P.Majka, R.Mangotra, L. K.Manweiler, R.Margetis, S.Markert, C.Matis, H. S.Matulenko, Yu. A.McShane, T. S.Meschanin, A.Millane, J.Miller, M. L.Minaev, N. G.Mioduszewski, S.Mischke, A.Mitchell, J.Mohanty, B.Morozov, D. A.Munhoz, M. G.Nandi, B. K.Nattrass, C.Nayak, T. K.Nelson, J. M.Nepali, C.Netrakanti, P. K.Ng, M. J.Nogach, L. V.Nurushev, S. B.Odyniec, G.Ogawa, A.Okada, H.Okorokov, V.Olson, D.Pachr, M.Pal, S. K.Panebratsev, Y.Pawlak, T.Peitzmann, T.Perevoztchikov, V.Perkins, C.Peryt, W.Phatak, S. C.Planinic, M.Pluta, J.Poljak, N.Porile, N.Poskanzer, A. M.Potukuchi, B. V. K. S.Prindle, D.Pruneau, C.Pruthi, N. K.Putschke, J.Qattan, I. A.Raniwala, R.Raniwala, S.Ray, R. L.Ridiger, A.Ritter, H. G.Roberts, J. B.Rogachevskiy, O. V.Romero, J. L.Rose, A.Roy, C.Ruan, L.Russcher, M. J.Rykov, V.Sahoo, R.Sakrejda, I.Sakuma, T.Salur, S.Sandweiss, J.Sarsour, M.Schambach, J.Scharenberg, R. P.Schmitz, N.Seger, J.Selyuzhenkov, I.Seyboth, P.Shabetai, A.Shahaliev, E.Shao, M.Sharma, M.Shi, S. S.Shi, X-H.Sichtermann, E. P.Simon, F.Singaraju, R. N.Skoby, M. J.Smirnov, N.Snellings, R.Sorensen, P.Sowinski, J.Spinka, H. M.Srivastava, B.Stadnik, A.Stanislaus, T. D. S.Staszak, D.Strikhanov, M.Stringfellow, B.Suaide, A. A. P.Suarez, M. C.Subba, N. L.Sumbera, M.Sun, X. M.Sun, Y.Sun, Z.Surrow, B.Symons, T. J. M.de Toledo, A. SzantoTakahashi, J.Tang, A. H.Tang, Z.Tarnowsky, T.Thein, D.Thomas, J. H.Tian, J.Timmins, A. R.Timoshenko, S.Tokarev, M.Trainor, T. A.Tram, V. N.Trattner, A. L.Trentalange, S.Tribble, R. E.Tsai, O. D.Ulery, J.Ullrich, T.Underwood, D. G.Van Buren, G.van der Kolk, N.van Leeuwen, M.Molen, A. M. VanderVarma, R.Vasconcelos, G. M. S.Vasilevski, I. M.Vasiliev, A. N.Videbaek, F.Vigdor, S. E.Viyogi, Y. P.Vokal, S.Voloshin, S. A.Wada, M.Waggoner, W. T.Wang, F.Wang, G.Wang, J. S.Wang, Q.Wang, X.Wang, X. L.Wang, Y.Webb, J. C.Westfall, G. D.Whitten Jr., C.Wieman, H.Wissink, S. W.Witt, R.Wu, J.Wu, Y.Xu, N.Xu, Q. H.Xu, Y.Xu, Z.Yepes, P.Yoo, I-K.Yue, Q.Zawisza, M.Zbroszczyk, H.Zhan, W.Zhang, H.Zhang, S.Zhang, W. M.Zhang, Y.Zhang, Z. P.Zhao, Y.Zhong, C.Zhou, J.Zoulkarneev, R.Zoulkarneeva, Y.Zuo, J. X.
Nuclear Experiment
We present measurements of net charge fluctuations in $Au + Au$ collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = $ 19.6, 62.4, 130, and 200 GeV, $Cu + Cu$ collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = $ 62.4, 200 GeV, and $p + p$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} = $ 200 GeV using the dynamical net charge fluctuations measure $\nu_{+-{\rm,dyn}}$. We observe that the dynamical fluctuations are non-zero at all energies and exhibit a modest dependence on beam energy. A weak system size dependence is also observed. We examine the collision centrality dependence of the net charge fluctuations and find that dynamical net charge fluctuations violate $1/N_{ch}$ scaling, but display approximate $1/N_{part}$ scaling. We also study the azimuthal and rapidity dependence of the net charge correlation strength and observe strong dependence on the azimuthal angular range and pseudorapidity widths integrated to measure the correlation.
Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, STAR Collaboration