
HILIGT, Upper Limit Servers II -- Implementing the data servers
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics
The High-Energy Lightcurve Generator (HILIGT) is a new web-based tool which allows the user to generate long-term lightcurves of X-ray sources. It provides historical data and calculates upper limits from image data in real-time. HILIGT utilizes data from twelve satellites, both modern missions such as XMM-Newton and Swift, and earlier facilities such as ROSAT, EXOSAT, Einstein or Ariel V. Together, this enables the user to query 50 years of X-ray data and, for instance, study outburst behavior of transient sources. In this paper we focus on the individual back-end servers for each satellite, detailing the software layout, database design, catalog calls, and image footprints. We compile all relevant calibration information of these missions and provide an in-depth summary of the details of X-ray astronomical instrumentation and data.
Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy&Computing