
Azimuthal harmonics in small and large collision systems at RHIC top energies
Document Type
Working Paper
STAR CollaborationAdam, J.Adamczyk, L.Adams, J. R.Adkins, J. K.Agakishiev, G.Aggarwal, M. M.Ahammed, Z.Alekseev, I.Anderson, D. M.Aoyama, R.Aparin, A.Arkhipkin, D.Aschenauer, E. C.Ashraf, M. U.Atetalla, F.Attri, A.Averichev, G. S.Bairathi, V.Barish, K.Bassill, A. J.Behera, A.Bellwied, R.Bhasin, A.Bhati, A. K.Bielcik, J.Bielcikova, J.Bland, L. C.Bordyuzhin, I. G.Brandenburg, J. D.Brandin, A. V.Bryslawskyj, J.Bunzarov, I.Butterworth, J.Caines, H.Sánchez, M. Calderón de la BarcaCebra, D.Chakaberia, I.Chaloupka, P.Chan, B. K.Chang, F-H.Chang, Z.Chankova-Bunzarova, N.Chatterjee, A.Chattopadhyay, S.Chen, J. H.Chen, X.Cheng, J.Cherney, M.Christie, W.Crawford, H. J.Csanád, M.Das, S.Dedovich, T. G.Deppner, I. M.Derevschikov, A. A.Didenko, L.Dilks, C.Dong, X.Drachenberg, J. L.Dunlop, J. C.Edmonds, T.Elsey, N.Engelage, J.Eppley, G.Esha, R.Esumi, S.Evdokimov, O.Ewigleben, J.Eyser, O.Fatemi, R.Fazio, S.Federic, P.Fedorisin, J.Feng, Y.Filip, P.Finch, E.Fisyak, Y.Fulek, L.Gagliardi, C. A.Galatyuk, T.Geurts, F.Gibson, A.Grosnick, D.Gupta, A.Guryn, W.Hamad, A. I.Hamed, A.Harris, J. W.He, L.Heppelmann, S.Herrmann, N.Holub, L.Hong, Y.Horvat, S.Huang, B.Huang, H. Z.Huang, S. L.Huang, T.Huang, X.Humanic, T. J.Huo, P.Igo, G.Jacobs, W. W.Jentsch, A.Jia, J.Jiang, K.Jowzaee, S.Ju, X.Judd, E. G.Kabana, S.Kagamaster, S.Kalinkin, D.Kang, K.Kapukchyan, D.Kauder, K.Ke, H. W.Keane, D.Kechechyan, A.Kelsey, M.Khyzhniak, Y. V.Kikoła, D. P.Kim, C.Kinghorn, T. A.Kisel, I.Kisiel, A.Kocan, M.Kochenda, L.Kosarzewski, L. K.Kramarik, L.Kravtsov, P.Krueger, K.Mudiyanselage, N. KulathungaKumar, L.Elayavalli, R. KunnawalkamKwasizur, J. H.Lacey, R.Landgraf, J. M.Lauret, J.Lebedev, A.Lednicky, R.Lee, J. H.Li, C.Li, W.Li, X.Li, Y.Liang, Y.Licenik, R.Lin, T.Lipiec, A.Lisa, M. A.Liu, F.Liu, H.Liu, P.Liu, X.Liu, Y.Liu, Z.Ljubicic, T.Llope, W. J.Lomnitz, M.Longacre, R. S.Luo, S.Luo, X.Ma, G. L.Ma, L.Ma, R.Ma, Y. G.Magdy, N.Majka, R.Mallick, D.Margetis, S.Markert, C.Matis, H. S.Matonoha, O.Mazer, J. A.Meehan, K.Mei, J. C.Minaev, N. G.Mioduszewski, S.Mishra, D.Mohanty, B.Mondal, M. M.Mooney, I.Moravcova, Z.Morozov, D. A.Nasim, Md.Nayak, K.Nelson, J. M.Nemes, D. B.Nie, M.Nigmatkulov, G.Niida, T.Nogach, L. V.Nonaka, T.Odyniec, G.Ogawa, A.Oh, K.Oh, S.Okorokov, V. A.Page, B. S.Pak, R.Panebratsev, Y.Pawlik, B.Pei, H.Perkins, C.Pintér, R. L.Pluta, J.Porter, J.Posik, M.Pruthi, N. K.Przybycien, M.Putschke, J.Quintero, A.Radhakrishnan, S. K.Ramachandran, S.Ray, R. L.Reed, R.Ritter, H. G.Roberts, J. B.Rogachevskiy, O. V.Romero, J. L.Ruan, L.Rusnak, J.Rusnakova, O.Sahoo, N. R.Sahu, P. K.Salur, S.Sandweiss, J.Schambach, J.Schmidke, W. B.Schmitz, N.Schweid, B. R.Seck, F.Seger, J.Sergeeva, M.Seto, R.Seyboth, P.Shah, N.Shahaliev, E.Shanmuganathan, P. V.Shao, M.Shen, F.Shen, W. Q.Shi, S. S.Shou, Q. Y.Sichtermann, E. P.Siejka, S.Sikora, R.Simko, M.Singh, JSingha, S.Smirnov, D.Smirnov, N.Solyst, W.Sorensen, P.Spinka, H. M.Srivastava, B.Stanislaus, T. D. S.Stewart, D. J.Strikhanov, M.Stringfellow, B.Suaide, A. A. P.Sugiura, T.Sumbera, M.Summa, B.Sun, X. M.Sun, Y.Surrow, B.Svirida, D. N.Szymanski, P.Tang, A. H.Tang, Z.Taranenko, A.Tarnowsky, T.Thomas, J. H.Timmins, A. R.Todoroki, T.Tokarev, M.Tomkiel, C. A.Trentalange, S.Tribble, R. E.Tribedy, P.Tripathy, S. K.Tsai, O. D.Tu, B.Ullrich, T.Underwood, D. G.Upsal, I.Van Buren, G.Vanek, J.Vasiliev, A. N.Vassiliev, I.Videbæk, F.Vokal, S.Voloshin, S. A.Wang, F.Wang, G.Wang, P.Wang, Y.Webb, J. C.Wen, L.Westfall, G. D.Wieman, H.Wissink, S. W.Witt, R.Wu, Y.Xiao, Z. G.Xie, G.Xie, W.Xu, H.Xu, N.Xu, Q. H.Xu, Y. F.Xu, Z.Yang, C.Yang, Q.Yang, S.Yang, Y.Ye, Z.Yi, L.Yip, K.Yoo, I. -K.Zbroszczyk, H.Zha, W.Zhang, D.Zhang, L.Zhang, S.Zhang, X. P.Zhang, Y.Zhang, Z.Zhao, J.Zhong, C.Zhou, C.Zhu, X.Zhu, Z.Zurek, M.Zyzak, M.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 172301 (2019)
Nuclear Experiment
Nuclear Theory
The first ($v_1^{\text{even}}$), second ($v_2$) and third ($v_3$) harmonic coefficients of the azimuthal particle distribution at mid-rapidity, are extracted for charged hadrons and studied as a function of transverse momentum ($p_T$) and mean charged particle multiplicity density $\langle \mathrm{N_{ch}} \rangle$ in U+U ($\roots =193$~GeV), Au+Au, Cu+Au, Cu+Cu, $d$+Au and $p$+Au collisions at $\roots = 200$~GeV with the STAR Detector. For the same $\langle \mathrm{N_{ch}} \rangle$, the $v_1^{\text{even}}$ and $v_3$ coefficients are observed to be independent of collision system, while $v_2$ exhibits such a scaling only when normalized by the initial-state eccentricity ($\varepsilon_2$). The data also show that $\ln(v_2/\varepsilon_2)$ scales linearly with $\langle \mathrm{N_{ch}} \rangle^{-1/3}$. These measurements provide insight into initial-geometry fluctuations and the role of viscous hydrodynamic attenuation on $v_n$ from small to large collision systems.