
A diamond nanophotonic interface with an optically accessible deterministic electronuclear spin register
Document Type
Working Paper
Quantum Physics
Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
A contemporary challenge for the scalability of quantum networks is developing quantum nodes with simultaneous high photonic efficiency and long-lived qubits. Here, we present a fibre-packaged nanophotonic diamond waveguide hosting a tin-vacancy centre with a spin-1/2 $^{117}$Sn nucleus. The interaction between the electronic and nuclear spins results in a signature 452(7) MHz hyperfine splitting. This exceeds the natural optical linewidth by a factor of 16, enabling direct optical nuclear-spin initialisation with 98.6(3)% fidelity and single-shot readout with 80(1)% fidelity. The waveguide-to-fibre extraction efficiency of our device of 57(6)% enables the practical detection of 5-photon events. Combining the photonic performance with the optically initialised nuclear spin, we demonstrate a spin-gated single-photon nonlinearity with 11(1)% contrast in the absence of an external magnetic field. These capabilities position our nanophotonic interface as a versatile quantum node in the pursuit of scalable quantum networks.