
Strong scale dependent bispectrum in the Starobinsky model of inflation
Document Type
Working Paper
JCAP 1208 (2012) 012
Astrophysics - Cosmology and Extragalactic Astrophysics
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
High Energy Physics - Theory
We compute analytically the dominant contribution to the tree-level bispectrum in the Starobinsky model of inflation. In this model, the potential is vacuum energy dominated but contains a subdominant linear term which changes the slope abruptly at a point. We show that on large scales compared with the transition scale $k_0$ and in the equilateral limit the analogue of the non-linearity parameter scales as $(k/k_0)^2$, that is its amplitude decays for larger and larger scales until it becomes subdominant with respect to the usual slow-roll suppressed corrections. On small scales we show that the non-linearity parameter oscillates with angular frequency given by $3/k_0$ and its amplitude grows linearly towards smaller scales and can be large depending on the model parameters. We also compare our results with previous results in the literature.
Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures